Monday, September 30, 2019

Between Harrison Bergeron and a&P

Tim Kenda English 102 Short Story Essay 2/28/10 Heroism Through Choice When people think of heroes, they often think of muscle bound men in spandex with unrealistic powers of flight, strength, or x-ray vision. But in real life, heroes are often determined based on the smallest of situations and their outcomes. In both of the stories I have chosen (A&P and Harrison Bergeron), the main characters are classified as heroes because of their willingness to defy the authoritive forces around them, whether it be the store manager Lengel in A&P or the Handicapper General in Harrison Bergeron, as well as their willingness to strike out on their own instead of adhering to social norms. In Harrison Bergeron, the main character Harrison stands up to a society that attempts to dull his individual qualities by ripping off his physical handicaps and temporarily liberating all of the oppressed people watching the television for a moment. In A&P, the main character stands up to his dreary, Sunday school teaching boss when he feels as though his boss has embarrassed three female customers in a grocery store. Both Harrison and the cashier pay the price for their defiance (Harrison gets killed and the cashier loses his job), and it is because of the character’s selflessness that the actions appear heroic. Both characters fit the definition of a hero, the cashier for his willingness to lose his job over what he deems an inappropriate action by his manager, and Harrison for ripping off (literally) the shackles that his society has placed on him in a fight to show his individualism. The fact that they performed these actions with no thought towards their own outcome helps outline their true heroic qualities. In the story A&P, the cashier exhibits a heroic quality when he quits his job due to a perceived insult made by his manager to three young ladies. While it first appears to be a dangerous and rash decision (quitting your job over an apparent slight made by your manager to a girl you do not know), the underlying factors actually make this a very heroic choice. When the cashier quits the A&P, he is not quitting as a direct result of that one insult but rather he is quitting because he does not want to work in what he views as a strict and religious workplace. After he quits, he looks back and sees â€Å"Lengel in [his] place in the slot, checking the sheep through. † and then goes on to describe Lengel by saying â€Å"His face was dark gray and his back stiff, as if he’d just had an injection of iron. †(Updike 529). When he sees Lengel in this state, he realizes that moments before that had been him. At the end of the story, the cashier becomes a symbol of the thoughts of many young people during the late fifties and early sixties. He does not want to work in the same dreary place for his whole life. He does not want to be just like his parents and Lengel. And despite that fact that he knows it will be hard, he makes the decision to strike out on his own, and consequently to fight back against what he views as a dreary and depressing reality. That is a hard decision to make, and a heroic one as well. As a result of his actions, the cashier in A&P not only commits a heroic gesture, he also becomes a symbol of the change that was taking place in the late fifties and early sixties. Many young people at that point in time were breaking away from what their parents were doing and were bravely striking off onto their own paths, just like the hero in our story. The overall theme of the story mirrors the same path, showing the drear and the tension and the uncertainty that crept into the American conscious following the start of the cold war and the adolescent urge to do something better than what ones parents did. The cashier represents many of America’s younger generation in that aspect. In the story Harrison Bergeron, the main character is a â€Å"genius and an athlete† and is sent to jail for â€Å"suspicion of plotting to overthrow the government. †(Vonnegut 536). He then breaks out of jail and declares on national television that he is the emperor. Now in our society, these actions would be considered those of a madman or a lunatic. But in his society, Harrison’s actions are very heroic. When Harrison rips off his handicaps and declares to the world he is emperor, he represents the idea that individualism and competition are superior to similarity and monotony. His actions also represent the destruction of the limitations that society has attempted to place on him just because he was different. Also, the fact that he did this and was then killed makes it even more heroic. This shows us that Harrison’s real intent was not to simply take over the world, but rather his intent was to show everyone that they could be different and they could fight the limitations imposed on them. The theme of this story is one of oppression and normalcy, and idea that Harrison attempts to destroy. Harrison becomes a symbol of freedom and liberation, showing us as readers that it is possible to break free of social normalcy despite the possibly grave consequences. In both Harrison Bergeron and A&P the main characters in the story are considered heroic for their willingness to stand up against authority and their ability to commit what they perceive as â€Å"good† actions regardless of the consequences they face. In both stories society is a dull, oppressive place, and the characters fight against the oppression in their own unique ways. And ultimately each character suffers a consequence as a result of their actions. But despite these consequences, which in the story were apparent before the characters committed their actions, both characters made their choices based on what they believed was right. This is why the cashier and Harrison are both heroic figures in their stories. Works Cited 1. Updike, John. _A&P. Literature and its Writers. Ed. _Ann Charters, Samuel Charters. Bedford/St. Martins, Boston. 2009. 2. Vonnegut, Kurt. _Harrison Bergeron. Literature and its Writers. _Ed. Ann Charters, Samuel Charters. Bedford/St Martins, Boston. 2009.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Deconstruction of an Advertisement Essay

Each day we are inundated with thousands of advertisements which contribute to shaping and defining our world views. As a capitalist society ads are crucial to attract the attention of the consumer. They are everywhere, whether it be a billboard, a commercial or a radio announcement, advertising reaches out and touches almost everyone living in our modern world. The effectiveness of an advertisement campaign has a huge influence on the purchaser. Ads are carefully constructed to appeal to the consumer in order to sell a product and to make a profit. An effective ad appeals to the emotion of the consumer as â€Å"80% of decisions are influenced by â€Å"dormant† emotions in the subconscious. †(†¦ ) through the ingenious construction of ad campaigns a consumers purchases are greatly influenced. The CK one ad campaign for the Calvin Klein brand is an excellent of the example of the thought and assembly needed in order to create an effective advertisement. Through the deconstruction of the CK one ad found in the April 2011 issue of Elle Canada it will be shown why the ad was created, how it’s used to grab the attention of its target audiences, and the use of hidden messages and social issues that are being expressed. The target audience of the CK One ad is clearly directed towards women as it appears in a magazine called Elle! Elle Canada has a 90% female readership (†¦ ) whose ages generally range from a younger segment to a middle segment (18 to 34 and 35 to 54). Elle Canada has a large age demographic due to the fact that their articles encompass a broad audience and the magazine contains ads that focus on the younger market as well as advertisements focusing on middle aged women. Although Elle Canada has a large readership age range, the CK One ad seems to be targeting more directly the 18-24 and 24-35 age range. The advertisement incorporates a focus on social media and a ‘rebellious’ look which is often directed towards the younger market. Young people who are still questioning authority and who are still defining themselves will see the dark eye makeup and lassiez-fair ‘detached’ attitude of the model and feel attracted to the ad. Furthermore the ads target audience is aimed towards 18-34 year olds because it uses ‘technology’ to capture the audiences attention. The model is ‘trapped’ in the CK One box and in order to get in the box, the bottom left hand corner of the ad tells you that you can â€Å"Download the App at CKONE. COM†. The ad is definitely towards the 18-34 age group because ‘getting in the CK box’ with a rebellious young woman is ridiculous notion unless you’re a young person with very little responsibility. Finally, although the spending power of the older age groups is greater (Diversity: Targeting the Ever-Changing Marketplace, p35) it is trendy to market to and advertisers remain youth obsessed. The targeted income level for this advertisement seems to be for those from the middle-middle, or upper-middle class. Calvin Klein is an iconic American brand that is moderately expensive and is featured in respected magazines. The median income of and Elle Canada reader is around $70 000 (†¦ ) therefore is it logical to assume that Calvin Kline is directing its ads at those who are willing to spend a little more. This advertisement would also be directed towards the Emulator-Achiever or Emulator groups. Emulators are young and impressionable people who will buy products to help them fit in (Duncan, p75). Emulators would be attracted to this ad because it offers the chance to fit in and join the CK One box; all you have to do is download the app! On another note, this ad would also be directed towards Emulator-Achievers because this group feels more comfortable with uptown brands such as Tiffany, Gucci or Stella Mcarthy and Calvin Klein is a very well known and respected American Brand. This brand offers prestige and it fits in with typical ideas of American wealth. Finally it appears that this advertisement is slightly more targeted for Caucasian’s. The model is Caucasian and there isn’t a single background model or object indicating the inclusion of any other racial groups. Although minorities represent a huge market and are predicted to exceed 1. 5 trillion in buying power, ( Diversity: targeting the ever changing market) Calvin Klein still uses mainly Caucasian models. Despite the fact that the ad features a white woman it could still be directed to a variety of racial groups because the model doesn’t necessarily represent a stereotypical white american girl; almost anyone can be a rebellious youth regardless of your ethnicity. Although her beauty and figure represent the social ideal her ebellious look is not necessarily the ‘norm’ and therefore enables more people to relate to it. Determining the target audience enables us to better interpret and understand the construction of an advertisement. Based on a target market, advertisers use eight main elements to create an ad that speaks to the heart. Ads that create emotional appeal are based on these eight elements; models, setting, copy, sound, color, point of view and details (Dun can, p77). In terms of the CK One ad, the model that was chosen was a young white attractive looking female. The model is in black lingerie and she is in a sexual pose. There is a hyper-sexualization of the model as her cleavage is very prominent and being pushed up against her bra. The models hair and makeup are messy with a ‘bed head’ look which suggest rebelliousness and late night partying which is considered both fun and exciting. Finally the facial expression of the model suggests a sexual and confident attitude. More over the model is very slim and her skin is flawless, her face is clear and her hair is blonde. The ‘perfection’ of the models skin and face reflect the ideals of society. Despite the models dark makeup and ‘bed head’ look she is our societies ideal with her blonde hair and beautiful figure. These ideals that the ad is promoting are completely unrealistic for the average female and it creates body image issues and warps both female and males idea about what an average person should look like. Furthermore through the continual use of impossibly beautiful models our society becomes body obsessed and through this many women and men experience body image issues. The CK One ad has been specifically and ingeniously positioned to promote the preferred reading. Most notable is the is the models physical position within the ad; her body, more specifically her cleavage, is framed between her hands which are pressed against the screen. The positioning of the models hands also frames the word, fuck, which has been discreetly positioned within the ad. The F is seen by the table which is cut off by the models buttocks, the U is seen in the models cleavage and the CK is to the right of the model, at chest level. Furthermore, through the technical code of camera angles the model is close-up with a slight low angle. These technical codes suggest power and intimacy with the model. The Ck One ad could be promoting their products by relating the suggested feelings of power and sexuality with the purchase of the product. The oppositional reading who be through a critical point of view that it is impossible to obtain any type of lasting feeling with a purchase of a material item. As for the captions, they are the only thing that has any coloring which draws attention to them. The most noticeable caption in big bold lettering that says CK One _Jeans_Underwear_Fragrance_ which is right next to the models cleavage. This caption is necessary to inform the reader what is being advertised because the model is only wearing plain black underwear it would be likely to assume that it was the only product. On the bottom left-hand corner of the Ad is says â€Å"Get in the CKONE box >>Download the app at CKONE. com† this caption really allows us to tie in the key concepts of the ad. The Calvin Klein ad also employs a font that ads to the incorporation of digital media. Lastly the fifth line of writing on the bottom left-hand corner says â€Å"Scan Ad to Reveal More† which could be referring to the hidden message (the word fuck) within the ad. Through the captions is it’s very clear that this Calvin Klein ad is trying to incorporate digital media and sex with the purchase of there products. In terms of the coloring of the advertisement, it is very unique because it supposed to represent screen to a computer or gaming device. The coloring is mostly black and white apart from the bright green which is used to draw attention to the captions. The color green is generally a calming color which represents wealth and well-being however it can also be used to symbolize envy or jealousy. The use of green indicates that Calvin Klein is a desired brand. Furthermore the green coloring is also placed just above the models forehead, this use of specific placement of the color could indicate 1st level cropping in which a models forehead is removed. By covering the top part of the models head with a different color advertisers objectify the model and remove any signs of her intelligence. On another note, the lighting that is used is artificial however it ties in with the setting. The setting is white relatively bare room, which is the ‘Ck One box’. The only furnishings are a stool, a table, two wooden boxes and game console. There is also a door with a visible knob; this indicates that the model is trapped in the ‘box’, however it is an exclusive place that you can get into- if you purchase the product and download the app. However this is where the oppositional reading come in; through the download of an ‘app‘ you will not enter the Ck one box you will not become a gorgeous model. The Ck One ad is trying to promote digital media therefore the bare setting could be used to represent whats behind your screen when you download the app. The limited settings also enable us to focus more closely on the model and the attitude she is giving. Gender representation also plays a key role the preferred reading of this Ad. Although the model is selling lingerie there is an irrelevant sexualization of the model ( Duncan, p. 46) The bra and panties that are being advertised are relatively plain and not the focal point of the ad; instead the ad is marketing the models body. The models cleavage is pouring out of her bra which actually distracts the audience from the bra itself, instead readers are led to believe that this lingerie will help them have the ‘perfect’ body. Furthermore, as mentioned previously, the ad also includes dismemberment. The presence of the green color above the models forehead which suggests objectification. Also the models legs are cut off below the knee which causes the reader to mostly focus on the core body of the model. This greatly objectives the model and females as a whole in advertising. Furthermore, there is also a bit of clowning present because majority of people do not stand in such a contorted position as the stance of the model. Although the model isn’t necessarily in a foolish or silly position her stance certainly is unnecessarily contorted in order to appear more sexual. These gender representations lead to the final conclusion that women are sexual objects to be looked at and played with (Duncan p. 48) All the elements used to construct the ad lead us to the general meaning of the ad: Sex. The meaning is so clear that it is even explicitly written within the ad. The models ‘look’ establishes the preferred reading. The preferred interpretation is that through the purchase of the CK One clothing line you will gain confidence and become sexually appealing while being fun and rebellious. Advertisers use body obsession and female insecurities to help sell products because through the preferred reading consumers believe that will look like the model through the purchase of the product (Duncan p14-15). This leads to us the oppositional reading, it is completely impossible and unrealistic to think that through the purchase of a product you will automatically you will automatically become beautiful and sexualy appealing. The reality is that most photographs of models have been retouched and realistically even the models don’t look as good in real life. Calvin Klein has always used a variety of controversial ads ranging from pictures of a half-naked Kate Moss to an ad featuring young children wearing only Calvin Klein underwear. Shock advertising is used in order to generate more press and more profits. The Ck One is not an exception with its use of the subliminal message featuring the word fuck it is a clear example of shock advertising. Ultimately the theme of the ad comes down to rebellious sex. The CK One ad uses a variety of different elements in order to sell its products. First it employs the use of stereotypical gender representations. Although the model is in a ‘powerful’ position as she is staring directly at the camera and looking slightly downwards, she still in an overly sexual stance with very little clothes on. The models brain has been covered with a different color giving off the impression that she is laking intelligence. The model is beautiful and has a ‘perfect’ body. The advertisers played upon female insecurities and there desire for perfection in order to attract customers and make a profit. Another aspect that the advertisers used to attract attention to the ad was the rebellious look and the incorporation of digital media. The ad gives false promises that through the purchase of Calvin Klein clothing you will be a sexy, young rebel who fits in to the CK One box. Consumers should alway be aware of the image a brand is trying to portray and the affect it has on its target audience. Advertisers are trying to sell a message and our consumer society should be aware of how the advertisements shape and impact our everyday lives.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Sustainable Management Futures Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words - 2

Sustainable Management Futures - Essay Example But the main concern that is being asked by the people is when the economy will find the smooth path that is when the economy is expected to work according to the anticipations. The government must aim to attain higher growth than just making policies to deal with the storms that can affect the international economy. The Prime Minister believes that a better economy can be build under the current regime. According to him, human wealth and happiness can only be improved through open markets and free enterprise. The system of open market as well as and the free enterprise regime will generate progress to lift the people out of poverty and lay down the path of innovation. Open markets and free enterprise acts a bridge between contribution and reward. The idea of market that was presented by him is of something for something. This idea needs encouragement rather than condemn. Therefore, one should use the crisis of capitalism rather than undermining them. As the economy has experienced t he situation before, so the strengths and the weaknesses of the free market regime are known. All are certain of the situations where market works and where it fails. The prospects of globalization can slide into monopolization. Such situations will drive the small and the local players out of the market. Two problems can creep up in open market regime. The first problem that can creep in is vision of social responsibility and the second problem is the one of popular capitalism which allows all to share in the success of the open market. According to the minister, the previous government did not take the requisite steps to regulate capitalism. He opined that labor either went towards socialism or embraced capitalism. They did not realize that capitalism has negative aspects too. He declared that Tories have the capability to understand capitalism better and know how to deal with the worst excesses of the system. Capitalism can also be the resultant of loss of moral choices. An examp le of the banking system can be taken into account. Many people think that time calls for do something for the associated corruption and greed accrued in the banking system. One thing that is frequently missed by the people is that capitalism requires free market. The price and the quantity are determined by the market itself. The presence or absence of government can give rise to more economic problems. The government may not take the necessary steps and then blame the economic system. The politicians cry for regulations and continue to expand their power at the expense of the people. The time has come for involvement of more people in a genuinely popular capitalism. The last government claimed to get out from the boom and bust but what it really did was allowed the economy fuelled by debt to get out of control. The serious imbalances between the financial and manufacturing services were the resultant. The initiatives encouraged the debt to crop up higher as it needed to pay the ri sing costs of welfare. This paved the way for market failures. The previous government left all with a share of debt. People became concerned that they will lose purchasing power and the whole system lost confidence. The whole system ended up with

Friday, September 27, 2019

TET Offensive Literature comparison Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

TET Offensive Literature comparison - Essay Example This military operation was launched by the army of North Vietnam along with armed forces of Viet Cong against the South Vietnam forces and those of United States. The crusade against South Vietnam was unplanned and came as a bolt from the blue. This military attack was referred to as TET Offensive owing to a previous agreement during the celebrations of the TET Lunar New Year of a ceasefire that would continue for two days. There were a series of military attacks launched during the night hours of January 30, 1968 although the main and massive operations began in the morning of the next day. Although, there was an announcement previously about ceasefire, these surprise attack left the armed forces of South Vietnam and United States in a maze initially. However, the united forces of these countries managed to retaliate and regain control of the cities. Being one of the most memorable events in history, which took a bitter turn after the celebrations of the TET Lunar Year, it is no wonder that the author has described this military crusade as one of the most intriguing aspects of Vietnam War. Thus, the journal, referred to as ‘The Turning Point of the War’ explores the political angle of this incident to a great extent. Similarly, the next article ‘TET 1968; The Military Offensive’ discusses the economic aspects of TET Offensive that are reflected during the current times and scenario. Although, both articles are fulfilling in nature, the authors have not really reached deeper beneath in the real sense.

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Trade Impasse at WTO Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Trade Impasse at WTO - Essay Example This impasse represented a marked shift in the global trade scenario in the sense that it not only impinged upon the world community to reconsider the cherished concepts like free trade and protectionism, but also extended a unique perspective pertaining to these concepts, harbored exclusively by the developing nations. This dilemma was further accentuated by the fact that while India and China managed to forge a unique alliance in the name of food security, the developed world stood divided against itself, with the European and American negotiators resorting to obstinacy and mutual recriminations (Bradsher 1). The thing to be kept in mind is that Economics is an applied discipline and free trade and protection are merely the tools exploited by the individual nations in particular and the world community in general to solicit their respective objectives. A thorough economic analysis of this situation definitely needs to take into cognizance the political compulsions of the respective states. In the given scenario, China has to defend its primarily rural agrarian sector, its industrial growth being exclusively an urban phenomenon. The US on the other side is averse to enervating its influential farm lobby in the election year (Bradsher 1). The Manmohan Singh led coalition government in India is running its last lap with immanent elections gaping ahead and does not afford to disturb its vote rich farming sector. Hence a credible way out calls for a win win compromise, which is based on sound economic principles and the pressing needs of the nations involved.The economic indicators that deser ve immediate attention are that both the India and China are at present the victims of inflationary trends, with the inflation in India crossing the double digit mark in the last quarter of 2008. China and India are resorting to protection going by the logic that this will encourage their farming sector, without considerably raising the prices of the agricultural products in their domestic markets. By doing so, they have failed to understand the intricacies of their respective economies that are now irretrievably bound to the global economy.The fact is that an imposition of high tariffs on the American agricultural products is eventually bound to increase the prices of the farm produce in both India and China. Such improvised prohibition on the entrance of the foreign agricultural products in the domestic markets of India and China will certainly increase the prices of the similar commodities in these countries. Especially in India, where the farmers do not enjoy a direct and unobst ructed access to the markets and the trade in the agricultural commodities is mainly governed by the commission agents. Once these vested interests come to know that the domestic markets are exclusively left at their mercy, they will certainly not hesitate in artificially elevating the prices of the farm produce by resorting to hoarding and black marketing. The farming sector in China and India is not so resilient at present that an exorbitant tariff on the American agricultural products would directly translate into an enhanced internal competition, resulting in the lowering of domestic prices.One peculiar thing about the food products is that there exists a thin line between the finished product and the raw

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Environmental Health Assessment Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Environmental Health Assessment - Case Study Example In Kenya for example, we have the National Environmental Management Authority (NEMA). The authority is charged with many tasks of managing the environment from destruction, key among them harmonizing a range of environmental management activities that is conducted by other lead agencies. Among other functions, it is also charged with promoting the incorporation of ecological deliberations into development strategies, projects, and programmes, with an oversight of ensuring rational utilization and proper management of environmental wealth on a sustainable yield basis (NEMA, 2008). To start up a project in Kenya, managers must apply to NEMA so that an environmental risk and health assessment can be undertaken. These procedures are usually done to identify an alternative project that harms the environment and health of citizens less. The assessments are also carried out in order to come up with mitigation procedures that can be used to reimburse for possible health and environmental impacts (Turnbull, 1991). In Kenya, NEMA reserves the final say of allowing industries to use the Kenyan environment to conduct their business. It licenses them after the assessment is done and the industries or projects are given a clean bill of health in environmental preservation. When projects flout the rules and start degrading the environment, NEMA can automatically revoke the license and the firm will cease to operate (NEMA, 2008). Kenya Utility Poles Ltd Due to high demand of electricity poles from Kenya Power and Lighting Company (KPLC), the main power distributor in Kenya, a consortium of investors from the United States has come up with a plan to build a multi-billion industry that will ease the demand for electricity poles. KPLC has been sourcing majority of its utility poles from neighboring Tanzania, thus using up a huge chunk of its revenue on utility poles. To KPLC, the investors' idea of starting up an industry that will mass produce utility poles at the heart of Nairobi, the capital city, is good news. But this is not well received by NEMA, the authority charged with managing the environment. After the investors presented their proposals to NEMA for consideration, it was realized that the company was intending to use Pentachlorophenol (PCP) chemical for poles preservation. Pentachlorophenol, hereafter known as PCP is mainly used as a restricted pesticide in farming activities. But it is also an effective wood preservative used mainly in wharf pilings, railroad tiers, and utility poles. When individuals are exposed to the chemical at high levels, various counterproductive health as well as ecological issues arises (What is pentachlorophenol, 2008). This is what is making NEMA to sound the alarm bell. The chemicals contained in PCP causes many health complications. They are known to damage the liver as well as weaken the immune system of victims. This will have direct health ramifications for workers of the proposed industry as well as those living in the vicinity. The chemicals are also known to raise the body temperatures and cause developmental defects to those who are exposed. Ecologically, PCP was found to be highly toxic to warm and cold fishes and all the other

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Bond ratings Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Bond ratings - Essay Example Representatives of the rating agencies have consistently stated that no precise formula is used to set a firm's rating; all the factors listed, plus others, are taken into account, but not in a mathematically precise manner. Statistical studies have borne out this contention, for researchers who have tried to predict bond ratings on the basis of quantitative data had had only limited success, indicating that the agencies use subjective judgment when establishing a firm's rating. When the bond ratings get adjusted downwards, because most bonds are purchased by institutional investors rather than individuals, and many institutions are restricted to investment-grade securities, many potential purchasers will not be allowed to buy them. As a result of their higher risk and more restricted market, when the bond ratings get adjusted downwards, the bonds have higher required rates of return as risk premium (Weston, Besley, and Brigham 707-708). 3. Whenever the gong rate of interest is equal to the coupon rate, a bond will sell at its par. Interest rates do change over time, but the coupon rate remains fixed after the bond has been issued. Whenever the going rate of interest is greater than the coupon rate, a bond's price will fall below its par value. ... 4. The yield to maturity is the average rate of return earned on a bond if it is held to maturity (Weston, Besley, and Brigham 291). To calculate the yield to maturity, the following equation could be solved (Weston, Besley, and Brigham 291). = C (PVIFAk, n) + M (PVIFk,n) Where V = Bond value C = coupon payments k = yield to maturity M = par value of the bond n = number of years before the bond matures K could be solved by using a financial calculator or by substituting values for PVIFA and PVIF until a pair that works is found so that the present value of the interest payments combined with the present value of the repayment of the face value at maturity equals the current price of the bond (Weston, Besley, and Brigham 291). Alternatively, an estimate of the yield to maturity could be calculated with the following equation (Weston, Besley, and Brigham 291). 5. The nominal yield to maturity is the contracted, or quoted, interest rate which is used to compute the interest paid per period. The effective yield to maturity is the annual rate of interest actually being earned, as opposed to the quoted rate, considering the compounding of interest. The investor should use the effective yields to maturity when deciding between corporate bonds and other securities of similar risk. This is because throughout the world economy, different compounding periods are used for different types of investments. For example, bank accounts generally compute interest on a daily basis; most bonds pay interest semiannually; and stocks generally pay dividends quarterly. If the investor is to properly compare securities with different compounding

Monday, September 23, 2019

Task 3 Experiment Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Task 3 Experiment - Coursework Example Resistance to the salinity levels by seeds is important to ensure plant survival. Soil sanitization degrades the soil. Building up of minerals (Sodium, Potassium, Magnesium, Calcium, etc.) in these lands is due to evaporation. The condition is further worsened by over irrigation and excessive evaporation. Though some plants are tolerant to high salinity levels, others have little or no salinity tolerance. A high salt content interferes with the germination of seeds as it prevents roots from osmotic activities. This regulates the amount of nutrients and minerals being taken up by the plant. The Osmotic activities has been said to be partially if not fully, involved in the salt tolerance of certain plants (Neto et al., 2004). According to Bajji, he argues that the ability of the seed bank to remain dormant in high salt levels and germinate immediately after reduction is very significant in plants adapting and colonizing their environment as it ensures life continuity. (Bajji et al., 20 02) Measuring salt into cup on scales. In case the needed weight is less than the scale’s smallest increment, measure about 2 or 4 times that amount, and halve it using a spatula. Put the measured amount in a graduated cylinder. Carefully add the measured salt from the graduated cylinder to a measured volume of distilled water in another graduated cylinder and stir effectively. The main reason is to ensure that the salt is dissolved and evenly distributed throughout the solution. The seedlings including the control test are all stored under similar environmental conditions (Light, temperature and humidity). By varying the concentration of NaCl, one is able to compare the results by seeing how the seedlings are faring. Given that maize is widely grown in different regions with varying saline conditions, it is important we do this in order to understand that plants offer resistance to conditions that are not conducive for their

Sunday, September 22, 2019

The Expectations for 2062 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

The Expectations for 2062 - Essay Example This essay approves that phones would never be the same, there will be no touch screens, phones will come with sensors again detecting what is going on in the mind of the user, it will send a message to the people who the user wants to interact with. The phones will also come with an anti-spam policy which would restrict the users from using blasphemous language and posting crude stuff over the internet. Cars would change too, there would be no drivers required to drive the cars. It would be auto-driven and equipped with all the safety measures so as to avoid fatal accidents. This paper declares that ambulances would have separate lanes so as to reach patients quickly; there would be an alarm in each house which would trigger itself upon detecting unrest. For instance, the alarm would trigger itself if someone is trying to rob a house and the nearest police station would be informed automatically, the alarm would trigger itself should anyone require medical assistance and an ambulance would arrive within no time to assist the patient. Such sophisticated systems would become a reality in 2026. People who die of hunger would never die of it in 2026; the world would become self sufficient which it sadly is not now. There would be no nuclear weapons because the world would not require it. To conclude it is fair to say that 2026 will bring about some unimaginable changes, technology is bound to get even better in the coming years. Most other things would also get better when the technology becomes better.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Marketing Strategy for Decline Stage Essay Example for Free

Marketing Strategy for Decline Stage Essay Marketing Strategy for Decline Stage Posted on April 2, 2012 by admin in Marketing. The main characteristics of the maturity stage which help to define the appropriate marketing strategies are Sales of most product forms and brands eventually decline Decline may be due to Technical advances which lead to better substitutes Change in customer taste with time Increase in competition Lower sales volume leads to Over capacity Increases price cutting Profit erosion Carrying a weak product may be very costly if there are no suitable strategic reasons to keep the prodict alive in the market. To handle declining sales, marketing strategy could be Increase firms invest to dominate market/strength competitive position Maintain investments in innovations and RD until uncertainties above industry are resolved Decrease firms invest, selectively by dropping unprofitable products and focus on nice areas and profitable products Harvesting or divesting the product as per the GE Matrix strategic growth model. Appropriate marketing strategy for this phase depends completely on Industry’s relative attractiveness and Company’s strength in the industry. If the industry is attractive and company has significant strength in the industry then the company may decide to hold the product or brand even if sales volume decline during this phase. Post Tagged with Decline Stage, Marketing Strategy, PLC ↠ Previous Post If you enjoyed this article please consider sharing it! Next Post → Like 1/5 9/4/13 Marketing Strategy for Decline Stage | CrackMBACrackMBA Search Categories open all | close all Banking (114) Finance Wiki (183) HRM (9) Important Alert/News (95) Marketing (23) Online Fraud (1) Operations (20) Practice Tests (115) Previous Papers (24) Quiz (505) Strategy (8) Systems/IT (38) E-Mail Subscription Enter your email address: 2/5 9/4/13 Marketing Strategy for Decline Stage | CrackMBACrackMBA Subscribe Delivered by FeedBurner Pages open all | close all Finance Wiki Marketing Strategy Systems/IT HRM Operations Quiz Banking Alerts/News IBPS Online Fraud Recent Posts Previous Papers Practice Tests Tags Banking Awareness Quiz Banking Glossary Banking Quiz Banking Terms Banking Bonds Business Quiz Capital Market Computer Awareness Quiz Computer Quiz Data Quiz CMM Interpretation Debt Securities DI Different Funds English Exam Alert Finance Quiz Financial Ratio Analysis IBPS IBPS Quiz Interview Alert Logical Reasoning LR Marketing Marketing Awareness Quiz Marketing Quiz Mathematics MBA Admission 3/5 9/4/13 Marketing Strategy for Decline Stage | CrackMBACrackMBA MBA Quiz Options PO MBA Result Alert Practice Test Previous Paper Probationary Officers Quantitative Aptitude RBI RBI Assistant Recruitment Alert Risk SBI SBI PO Exam Specialist Officers Verbal Ability .. Current Affairs Business News GK Quiz Updates Current Affairs India – 3 September 2013 Sep 3, 2013 1. Indian Parliament gave its nod to the landmark Food Security Bill yesterday which seeks to provide highly subsidised foodgrains to†¦ Current Affairs Global – 3 September 2013 Sep 3, 2013 1. Ronald Coase, the British-born US economist who was awarded the Nobel Prize in 1991, passed away yesterday in†¦ GK Quiz – 3 September 2013 Sep 3, 2013 GK Quiz – 3 September 2013 4401 â€Å"World Population Day† is observed on _____________. A) 6-July B)†¦ Microsoft to acquire Finish phone maker Nokia’s mobile phone unit Sep 3, 2013 Global tech giant Microsoft has agreed to acquire Finish mobile maker Nokia’s mobile phone business for 5.4 billion euros†¦ Verizon to acquire Vodafone’s 45% stake in its US business for USD 130 billion; one of the largest deals in corporate history Sep 3, 2013 US mobile giant Verizon Communicat ions Inc agreed to acquire Vodafone Group Plc’s 45% stake in Verizon Wireless in a†¦ 4/5 9/4/13 Marketing Strategy for Decline Stage | CrackMBACrackMBA CrackM BA If its bout M BA, its @ CrackM BA. Colorway WordPress Theme by 5/5

Friday, September 20, 2019

Communication is a process of exchange data, information, ideas, thoughts, and emotions

Communication is a process of exchange data, information, ideas, thoughts, and emotions Introduction: I am to speak ten minutes; I need a week for preparation; if fifteen minutes, three days; if half an hour, two days; if an hour, I am ready now.  ~ Woodrow Wilson Communication is a process of exchange data, information, ideas, thoughts, and emotions. Basically it is two way process of exchange that involves sender and receiver. Sender is a person who encodes and sends the information and which is then received by the receiver through different communication channels where the message is decodes, information is being processed and the proper reply can be send via the same communication channel. Effective communication plays very important role in any organization. The best thing to get the organizational goals or objectives, communication is the most important thing. However in some organization communication unfortunately is neglected and is the main issue for those companies who are not performing well. The employees who have poor communication skill in the organization have les chances of growth and development so it is very important and critical issues for the organizations now days. (Gopal, Namita G.: 2009) Types of Communication: Communication might be through diverse processes and methods and the different channel and style of communication. There can be different types of communication.   Types of Communication Based on Communication Channels on the basis of the channels used for communication, it can be divided into two Verbal communication Non-Verbal Communication In Verbal communication it includes written and oral communication while in non-verbal communication it includes body language like gesture, pasture, nodding etc., expressions and visuals diagrams or pictures. Verbal Communication It can be further divided into Oral communication. Written In the oral communication it includes the spoken words in the whole process. It can either be face-to-face or chatting with the people over the phone or over the Internet. Sometime in oral communication conversations might be influenced by the voice tone, pitch, level and even the speed and clearness of speaking. While in Written communication it can be either by post, letter, fax, or email. The effectiveness of written communication can be affected by the writing style, grammar and vocabulary used and clearness and accuracy of language.   Nonverbal Communication   While in non verbal communication the person who communicates, the overall body language of the person in which his postures, gestures and the movements of the whole body. However the facial expressions are very important in non verbal communication it will show the mood of the person who is speaking. While the gestures express the emotions like a handshake, a smile or a hug. It can also be in the form of pictures, signboards painting etc. Types of Communication Based on Style and Purpose There are two broad types of communication which is based on the style of , Formal Communication Informal communication Formal Communication   It is usually relates to a large or small group speaking. It is mostly strict and bound to rules. It always is in a formal or official format. Basically all sort of business or corporate communication comes in formal communication. Conferences, meetings and written memos and corporate letters in any official languages are used for communication. It can occur between two strangers when they meet first time to each other Formal communication can also occur between two strangers when they meet for the first time. Formal Communication should be formal, straightforward and precise. However instances of non verbal communication such as wearing of business attire in order to be more professional Informal Communication Informal communication is a type in which people talk to each other freely and usually it is related to interpersonal communication however it is bounded by rule made of society norms but the speaker can speak freely and there is more room to be free. The speaker can say anything which he/she thinks. Informal communication can be between friends, family and relatives or any person who have the similar wavelength as It does not have any rigid rules and guidelines. It does not restrict with the time limit, place and events or subjects. It is more emotional form of communication where the less emphasis on non verbal communication and more emphasis on real feelings. (Hamilton, C.:2007) Importance of Communication in an Organization: The most important and best function of management in any organization is communication. It is impossible to have relations to ach other without communication. However for good and successful business the effective communication is required. (Means L.Thomas:2009) Effective Communication has its importance in any organization due to the followings: For Manager ____ Relations with Employees: Information and decision is a main component of management- employee relations. What a manger wants from its employees it can not be done unless and until there is a strong communication between them. Mostly management problems arise if the communication level is weak between them. There are more chances of misunderstanding and misrepresentation can be reduced by effective and proper communication. Motivational and Morale of Employees: The best tool for the motivation of the employees is effective communication that can increase not only the morale but also the innovation and creativity. While the morale and performance of the employees can be low due to inappropriate communication. Productivity: Effective communication in any organization can maintain excellent human relations and by encouraging the employees the productivity can be increased. For Employees: In order to get the full utilization of human resource and work to be done on time from employees only be possible by effective communication. Organization who are having the speedy and effective communication policy and procedures can avoids to delays the work, confusion, and misunderstanding. Communication Networks: Basically it is a way that how people communicates to each other. As Griffin (2007) said it is a pattern by which the members of a group communicate. The employees make groups in the organization to pass information and decision. According to Gareth R,Jones and Jennifer R, These are the basic structures that tell us that how messages and communication and information flow between different employees, teams or the group of any organization. Types of Communication Networks: These are the following types of communication networks: Wheel Network: It is just like a group leader work n which one person passes information and messages and there is more than one person to receive it. Other members of the group might not communicate to each other to carry out well. Example: It is just a team work in any organization where the people work in a team but the. Messages are passes by group leader and employees receive the messages from that leader. Like if there are group of consultant they need to listen or report to regional mentor only. Usually it does not exist in team work. Y Network: In this form of communication the information flows between two people at one point only but after that it can be splits up to two people .However in other way it is less centralised as compared to the wheel network. The central member acts as a gatekeeper to pass information and allows only certain information to pass to other members. (Segrin: 2005). Example: Like in any organization the Managing director acts as a source of information and will pass it to his assistant director and from this point the information flows to the manger of the particular department. Chain Network: In this form the information flows between so many departments or people. It is the simplest form of the network as compare to others. It is just like a chain of information between different departments. Communication can be done by the members in a pre planned sequence. Example: The best example is assembly line group in which employees only communicate with only those who work precedes. Circle Network: In this type the employees can communicate to each other and can share their beliefs, experiences expertise, location etc. Example: The people who are socially informal can be the part of circle network and can share their personal information as well. All Channel Network: It is usually found in teams. It might be high levels of intense communication. Every members of the team can communicate to the member of the team. Example: IT related programmes are the best example for this effective communication in team. Star Network: No restriction is placed on any member of the group to communicate to each other. (V.Lewis:1987) They can communicate freely and convey their messages to each other without any restrictions. Example: In the Board meeting where every member is free to flow information and get some good result. (Gareth R.Jones, Jennifer M. George: 2000) Vertical Vs Horizontal Communication: Communication in the organizational structure can be upward, downward or the horizontal within the hierarchy. In any organization Vertical communication is a communication where the information flows from different level of authority within the organization where as the horizontal communication in which information flows between the same level of authority or with the similar power or grade. Vertical Communication: This is a type of communication where the information flows or communication occurs between hierarchically positioned persons and it can involve both downward and upward flows. According to Larkin and Larkin (1994) that downward communication is more effective than the upward communication as the top managers passes the information or communicates directly to the immediate supervisors and then they communicate directly to their staff or sub ordinates. As employees has trust and have great desires to communicate to the supervisors if supervisor is perceived to have more powers and authorities. These are the following advantages and disadvantages of the vertical communication; Advantages of Vertical Communication: Develop a strong relationship between the super and sub ordinates Develop confident and trust between vertical hierarchy Motivation level increase Way of getting the feedback. Disadvantages of Vertical Communication: Threat of leakage of secret Information transferred by the super-ordinate to its sub-ordinate Time consuming and cost spending Coordination issues. Horizontal Communication: Horizontal communication usually takes place among the employees of the same authority or level or department or division in the organization. Advantages of Horizontal Communication: Secret information is not a problem Time saving and faster communication increase the productivity Any new idea can be brought up and this will automatically increase the innovation and development Resolve the issues so quickly level of confidence raise Disadvantages of Horizontal Communication: The Chances of conflict and miscommunication may rise. It can be worthless at times. (Sharon A. Cermak, Dawne Larkin:2002) Conclusion: The main recipe of the success in any organization is the good communication skill in the organization. All type of communication is very important and must be effective in the organization. The level of communication with different people varies from organization to organization. The people must have the adaptability to grasp that level of communication in order to get the objectives and aims of the organization. The organization must have effective communication system in order for the accomplishment of the objectives. Because in this modern era of technologies every organization needs innovation and creativity and the effective communication between the organizations can bring these changes so quickly.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

I Corinthians 15:12-14 :: Religion Christianity Bible Essays

I Corinthians 15:12-14 But if it is preached that Christ has been raised from the dead, how can some of you say that there is no resurrection of the dead? If there is no resurrection of the dead, then not even Christ has been raised. And if Christ has not been raised, our preaching is useless and so is your faith (NIV). The resurrection of the dead is a mysterious concept that even some Christians have a hard time believing. Paul makes a strong statement regarding the importance of the resurrection and how it is tied to the faith of Christian believers. Paul's first letter to the Corinthians was a response to a number of problems in the church of Corinth. One of the main problems the Corinthians were having was speculation on the resurrection [of the dead] which was preached to them by Paul. The passage in which Paul talks about the resurrection is toward the end of his letter, before he discusses his plans and finishes with exhortations and greetings. The first half of the letter, after he gives his greeting and thanksgiving, is in response to reports that he has received regarding the Corinthians. The second half is in response to questions and concerns that they had. In the New International Version (NIV) of Paul's first letter to the Corinthians, his preaching and their faith are described as "useless" if Christ has not been raised (15:14). However, in the New King James Version (NKJV), Paul's preaching and the faith of the Corinthians are described as empty. These descriptions are very similar and both have a strong impact on the reader. If preaching and faith are empty, then they are also useless. The preaching of Paul to the Corinthians is certainly not useless and their faith, although problematic, is not empty. According to The Women's Bible Commentary, the Corinthians were convinced that already they fully enjoyed the spiritual benefits of the resurrection (321). They believed the resurrection of Christ was beneficial so they did not even consider that the dead were raised from the dead. Paul preached that Christ has been raised from the dead and the Corinthians believed what he said. It is because of this belief that Paul can bring his point across regarding the resurrection of the dead. If the Corinthians did not believe that Christ has been raised, Paul would be unable to convince them of the resurrection of the dead.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

An Educators Privacy and Social Networks Essay -- Education, Technolog

This document â€Å"An Educators Privacy and Social Networks† will discuss educator’s privacy, due to the incidents that have been happening in today’s society. With technology taking over the world, writing letters and making phone calls have been replaced with social networks. These sites allow a person to socialize quickly with one another by posting comments about anything that is on his or her mind. However, with this comes the thought of what should and should not be commented. Does society believe that teachers’ First Amendment rights regarding Freedom of Speech protect them in every situation? Many school districts and teachers are now moving into the 21st century by using more technology and social networking to teach and communicate. The positive aspects of using social networking allow educators and students to broaden their knowledge in social learning. On the other hand, the negative aspect is that there is a larger gray area regarding the clarification of professional conduct. The fact is that technology is growing quickly, and districts need to find a way to maintain awareness of the new technical information. However, with all the positives aspects also come negatives with social networking. The case study chosen is a true story that happened in the state of Connecticut. The article â€Å"Courtside†, by Perry Zirkel on the PSEA website, explains the case regarding Jeffery Spanierman versus Connecticut Technical High School. Mr. Spanierman is a second year teacher and had created a Myspace page. Myspace allows users to create their own profile page about his or herself, and includes photographs (Zirkel, 2009). This website page was created by Spanierman so that he could communicate with his students about their homewo... ...ucators and students using it understand how it should be used (Klein, 2008). As educators, we need to come to the understanding that technology has grown and is effective. Instead of trying to teach around technology, educators should learn how to use it correctly and in a meaningful way. Being a second year teacher, I had the opportunity to take classes on different ways technology can be used in the classroom. This allowed me to understand that technology helps students bring out their ideas differently and in a useful manor. I do think that Spanierman was really trying to be a part of his students’ lives. We forget that as teachers we’re not just there to teach, but to understand and help our students grow. It seemed like Spanierman was trying to be there for his students. However, the way he presented himself online was unacceptable to any professional.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Slavery :: Slavery Essays

Escaping from slavery in 1838 had to be a treacherous experience; escaping slavery at any time would be! Most slaves couldn’t read or write, but one slave, Fredrick Douglass, broke that barrier and many more. In this particular writing he uses a wide-open state of mind to clearly get his thoughts across. He does this by using a wide variety of diction along with sentence fluency. An example can be seen in every sentence of every paragraph. â€Å"I saw in every white man an enemy, and in almost every colored man cause for distrust. It was a most painful situation; and, to understand it, one must needs experience it, or imagine himself in similar circumstances.† His narrative point of view about slavery, or rather first person experience on slavery, is expressed throughout as he explains slavery as being both life and death. How someone can write with such strong emotion, is beyond me, but Douglass does more than that. He captures and captivates the reader into thinking about and imagining his experiences. Through the use of concrete language, Fredrick Douglass, relates his readers to the life of a slave while at the same time explaining how one could never understand unless he experiences the hardships of slavery on his own. Fredrick Douglass has such a talent at pulling his readers into the writing and making them envision what is happening, that anyone could fall in love with his writing. An example can be found in,† There I was in the midst of thousands, and yet a perfect stranger†¦Ã¢â‚¬  Another common figure of speech found many times within the passage is the use of metaphors. Some are seen in,†I felt like one who had escaped a den of hungry lions†, â€Å"†¦being seized upon by his fellow-man, as the hideous crocodile seizes upon his prey!†, and â€Å"†¦among fellow-men, yet feeling as if in the midst of wild beasts.† By using such metaphors, Douglass is helping his readers better imagine his emotions. Each sentence flows fluidly and without imperfection. There are no apostrophes or harsh-sounding words that do not belong or fit among the others. The words fit together perfectly, as do the ideas in order to make a remarkable essay filled with emotion.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Intersectionality Assignment Essay

The definition of intersectionality states that it is the social theory suggesting various socially and culturally constructed categories of discrimination interact on multiple and often simultaneous levels, contributing to systematic social inequality. Intersectionality holds that the classical models of oppression within society, such as those based on race/ethnicity, gender, religion, nationality, sexual orientation, class, or disability do not act independently of one another; instead, these forms of oppression interrelate creating a system of oppression that reflects the â€Å"intersection† of multiple forms of discrimination. ( I think the author intended to include intersectionality in the story to show that people have the tendency to categorize others immediately without even getting to know them. As humans we judge others way too much for our own good and we don’t even realize we are doing it majority of the time. I think Morrison’s main purpose in Recitatif is to make the reader a lot more aware of their stereotypical judgements about different races based on the use of different signs that Twyla and Roberta display as characters throughout the story. By writing with this technique of using hidden signs in the text it makes the reader begin to try to naturally figure out the races of Twyla and Roberta. She also includes things in this story such as their views on intelligence, physical appearance, racial tensions, wealth and social class. I think Morrison hopes to make her readers aware that we are all guilty of using stereotypes that this society has created for us. It’s just what we have known all our lives. Maybe a learned behavior from our parents, grandparents, or anyone we are around a lot. Everyone, even if they are racist or the most non-racist human being on earth, makes judgments on a â€Å"different† person that doesn’t fit into their â€Å"norm†. If I had to take a guess I would say Twyla is black and Roberta is white. One part in the story Roberta says that â€Å"they never washed their hair and they smelled funny†, referring to Twyla. Roberta also said this about Twyla’s mother â€Å"She was big. Bigger than any man and on her chest was the biggest cross I’d ever seen. I swear it was six inches long each way. And in the crook of her arm was the biggest bible ever made.† This description sounds like a big African American mother because that’s what you could picture her as. Being Christian, not interested in being friends with Roberta’s mother, and storming away from her gets my mind visualizing that she is the att itude black big momma type of woman. Another thing I decided to look at to help me decide was their names. As the story goes on it gets harder to keep the same the same thought process on who’s apart of what race because of the different stereotypes and statements that are made by the characters when they continue to cross paths later in life. Also because as an individual you start to realize that you are judging and trying not to. For me that begun a whole new way of thinking and continuously changed my opinion about the reading several times At times Roberta could possibly be the black girl and Twyla could be white. In conclusion, its basically left up to you to decide who’s what race and its really going to open your eyes to how judgmental you can be and how big of a role these everyday stereotypes really have on your mind, even when it seems that you have no racism or judging in you.

Human Cloning and the Future Essay

In his work from 2002 â€Å"Religion and Human Cloning: An Exploratory Analysis of the First Available Opinion Data†, John Evans proudly states a few possible benefits, or advantages, of human ‘therapeutic’ cloning. While talking about embryonic stem cells, he states â€Å"these cells can eventually be used to treat diseases such as Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, and kidney failure, to name but a few†¦Ã¢â‚¬ (748). These possibilities have mostly been confirmed since the publishing of Evans’ piece and other more incredible possibilities have come about. The benefits of both reproductive and therapeutic cloning are endless, yet many still disagree. They say that cloning is dangerous and that it would end human evolution and bring disaster to society as we know it (Mautner, 68). Do most people really think this is true? Or is modern society simply scared of the unknown and not ready for change? Many scientists and authors constantly debate the ethics and possibilities of human cloning, both for reproductive use and therapeutic use. A couple of possible risks would accompany the beginning of human cloning, however the benefits are legitimate, and we as a species should reconsider. It is common knowledge that mother and father love one another. And it’s the classic ideal for a family to begin, in the act of spousal love through sexual reproduction. Alix Magney, in his work â€Å"Cloning Me, Cloning You: Reflections on the Ethics of Cloning for Individuals, Families and Society†, argues that since human cloning would cause childbearing to lose its proper origins as an act of spousal love, it â€Å"†¦plainly poses a threat to the dignity and equality of women†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (25). I don’t think this is true at all, as adopting a child has been practiced for thousands of years and in vitro fertilization was invented in 1978. In vitro fertilization is where an egg is fertilized by sperm outside the female body and then inserted into the uterus for maturation only once the egg is fertilized. Sperm donors have been used for decades, completely negating any ‘spousal love’ from the equation that is reproduction. While people continue to fight over equality for women, which has been true since the ratification of the Nineteenth Amendment to the Constitution in 1920, other people continue to debate greater concerns about cloning. I have always heard it said ‘You’re special’, or ‘Just be yourself’, and these are sayings of encouragement to develop your own identity, not to follow others when unnecessary, and to accept that everyone is different. Giovanni Berlucchi, in his work â€Å"The Myth of the Clonable Human Brain†, states that â€Å"†¦most human values are corollaries of the concept that each person is unique and identical to himself or herself through space and time. (160) and â€Å"†¦that this kind of genetic manipulation may interfere with psychological and biological diversity, and therefore with the distinctiveness and autonomy of the individual† (160). I do think that the overuse of a single genetic identity for reproductive cloning would cause a disruption in the common value of individuality, but only in that physical aspect of things. Th e benefits of reproductive cloning and the possibilities of advancing the individual through therapeutic cloning could greatly outweigh any disruptions. Berlucchi continues, â€Å"Nature has, of course, been producing genetically identical humans from time immemorial†¦ in trifling pairs of monozygotic twins, and even less frequently in batches of monozygotic triplets†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (160). Prenatal uterine environment differences, along with other environmental differences post-conception, can significantly affect the psychological outcome of the child and is a main reason for psychological differences between monozygotic twins. The concept of environmental determinism dispels the myth that cloning humans would eliminate the core value of individuality. The controversy over abortion is one of the biggest issues for politicians and the rest of society alike. The debate over whether or not an embryo is to be considered a human being with rights is a ‘hot topic’ among the public and continues to be an important argument for almost everyone. In his aforementioned piece â€Å"Religion and Human Cloning†¦Ã¢â‚¬ , John Evans says that the Roman Catholic Church has the most clear-cut position against cloning, simply based on the status they give to a human embryo. They believe embryos are equivalent to fully grown humans: â€Å"Embryos are to be treated the same as born persons and therefore cannot be used as means toward an end. Most obviously, they cannot be destroyed to benefit others† (748). The church also opposes cloning because it â€Å"†¦severs human reproduction from sexuality† (748). If a couple is attempting to have a kid with each other, by any means, they are more than likely sexually active with one another, and therefore cloning doesn’t remove the sexuality from the overall situation, even if it is not directly involved with the contraception. Also, new technology has been developed since the writing of this article, and it is now possible to extract stem cells from embryos without destroying the embryo. You can take a single stem cell, or blastomere, and coax it to become an endlessly proliferating stem cell. Although these cells can’t form embryos, they can form major types of human tissue just as any embryonic stem cells do. So, therapeutic cloning is possible without the destruction of embryos. Other people fear the end of what Charles Darwin so valiantly discovered and explained to us all over 150 years ago – human evolution. Michael Mautner, in his piece â€Å"Will Cloning End Human Evolution? †, argues that a result of human cloning would be the end of human evolution. He states â€Å"Cloning will, in contrast, reproduce the same genetic makeup of an existing individual. There is no room for new traits to arise†¦ The result: Human evolution is halted† (68). Only an insane situation where cloning was the only method for reproduction and the same genetic makeup was used over and over again would lead to the end of human evolution. This is an extreme situation and would almost definitely never happen. New science behind non-embryonic stem cell research has shown incredible potential for stem cells in general, as embryonic stem cells show significantly more potential than stem cells extracted from other parts of the human body, like the yellow bone marrow. Stem cells are beginning to be used to regrow hair, teeth and cartilage in damaged joints. Since the procedures and research are incredibly expensive, treatment is limited to those wealthy enough. Professional North-American athletes have led the way, being human guinea pigs for the non-invasive procedures in hopes of returning their bodies to their prime, pre-injury, form. Stem cell treatments are growing in popularity and legitimacy, and the use of embryonic stem cells shouldn’t be limited as it can only advance our species. Scientific tests and studies have proven limitless benefits to stem cell transplants, yet ethical concerns and moral-based laws are constraining what could be groundbreaking and life-saving science. There is possible potential for embryonic stem cells to be grown into whole, functional, organs or entire limbs of the human body. The uses could range from a ounded amputee war veteran in need of a new leg, or an elderly woman in need of a new kidney as hers is failing, and the possibilities are endless. Human fear of the unknown is instinctual, but as the realm of the previously impossible comes more into the lights of reality, we need to change our minds on the practicality and usefulness of cloning and embryonic stem cells. For our ailing parents, for our children, and our children’s children, we need to advance as a society, and take hold of the opportunities and benefits sitting right in front of us.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Presidential Symphony Orchestra of Turkey Essay

On Friday, December 24, 2004 at 20:00 the Presidential Symphony Orchestra performed very impressive â€Å"New Year Concert† with fourteen pieces from a range of composers as Johann Strauss, Giacomo Puccini, Leonard Bernstein, Johann Sebastian Bach, Pytor Ilyich Tchaikovsky, P. Necherporenko, Niccolo Paganini and George Gershwin. The program included different kinds of tastes from classic music. Shardad Rohani conducted, Murat Tamer as concertmaster, Khori Dastoor, Janna Kozvik and Andrei Gorbachev appeared as soloists. Although I was impressed by the whole concert, the second half made a more lasting effect on me. The concert opened with the Yarasa Opereti Uvertà ¼rà ¼ which is written by Johann Strauss. This composition began quietly. As the string instruments played in harmony, the brass instruments (tuba) entered with a slow melody. The temper became more impressive as it developed. The tempo became faster and the texture more intense with flute entrances. The different instruments were successful one another until they eventually all entered in harmony. The trumpets were important players in the overture, effectively supported with the continuous beating of the drums and timpani. Other work of the orchestra was West Side Story. This composition was written by Leonard Bernstein in 1957 as a type of musical and also a wonderful opera aria. The composition opened dramatically with the soprano soloist , K. Dastoor, entire ensemble playing together. The instruments moved from one chord to the next. The beautiful melody is supported by the representation of the tones of chords as seperate notes, adding warmth and emotion to the piece. After the intermission the atmosphere became more enjoyable by the soloists, especially Andrei Gorbachev. He added Russian motifs to the compositions. At the end of these compositions he also performanced encores which are very enjoyable. The last piece of the orchestra was the Mavi Tuna Valsi which is written by  Johann Strauss. It is also one of the best waltz compositions. Orchestra performanced this piece very impressive. It made a lasting impression on me because of the harmony of the instruments kept alive the spirit of romance. Attending this concert made me more aware of the variety of style and compositional techniques inherent in classical music. I particularly enjoyed the pieces of orchestra, as they are able to combine the different pieces in an effective manner. Also Andrei Gorbachev was very effective with his balalaika. He created interesting effects with his balalaika and orchestra. At the head of classical music, and the reason I enjoyed this concert so much, was the quality of melodies, orchestra and also pleasant and loveable behaviors of soloists. They were making audience delighted with their sympathetic behaviors. Much of the success of this music hides in the professional representation of the performance. In this respect, Shardad Rohani and the Presidential Symphony Orchestra were able to bring out the spirit of classical music for the spirit of year 2005.

Saturday, September 14, 2019

The Importance of Science to Civilization

The importance of science to civilization It is said that modern civilization is a scientific civilization. For an individual, science has rendered us great comfort nowadays. We no longer have to travel on foot; instead, we can just sit comfortably without any fatigue in cars, air-conditioned trains, buses, etc. We are free from hard labor which our uncivilized forefathers suffered from. Neither do we follow barbarous practice of having slaves, since science has provided us with slaves of a new kind, which undertake most of the work, that is, machine.On top of that, we are also free from diseases and various pains since drugs and operation techniques have been developed dramatically. Maslow's theory of hierarchy of needs suggests that the physiological needs must be met before the individual will strongly desire (or focus motivation upon) the secondary or higher level needs, which means the human that lacks food, love, esteem, or safety would consider the greatest of his/her needs to be food. And as mentioned above, it is science that satisfies our basic demands; thus, we have opportunities to pursue something higher, such as art and literature.Science also promote the development of spiritual civilization. With the advent of the internet, and extraordinary growth in information and communication technologies in recent years, more information than ever before is made freely available and easily shared. Almost all the masterpieces of artist, musicians, writers, philosophers, scientists, etc can be enjoyed at fingertips. We are not only consumers, but also producers. When Gangnam Style was released, tens of thousands people made their own versions and uploaded on the internet, which could be appreciated by millions of netizens.For a nation, science is of critical significance for the progress of its civilization. China's long history has seen some extremely important inventions emerge, most noticeably gunpowder, paper making, printing and the compass, which, in t he words of Roger Bacon, changed the whole appearance and status of things in the world and also made China among the four great ancient civilizations. However, in the nineteenth century, Europe entered into world history with immense developments in technology, which was later identified as the Industrial Revolution.From then on, China lost its advantages over the the rest of world in various aspects, and it was invaded by the great powers into a series of Unequal Treaties. Chinese civilization were, during that period, regarded inferior and the Chinese nation was referred to as â€Å"Sick Man of East Asia†. Even the Chinese people abandoned their own cultural identity and turned to the Western civilization. Therefore, science is the foundation as well as the major force behind the progress of civilization. 0101102027

Friday, September 13, 2019

Discussion for online Economics class Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Discussion for online Economics class - Article Example The current position of China in global economy has also contributed to the inelastic nature of its Australian mining sector. For instance, China is more concerned with economic domination rather than profits. Thus, China has vast interests in controlling the mining and energy sector, leading to the inelastic nature of mining. Unlike other commodity such as farm produce and manufactured goods, minerals are increasingly becoming scarce. This indicates that their economic value increase at a faster rate than their market value. For instance, the market price of a barrel of crude oil is much lower than its economic value. This indicates that demand for oil is not driven by the market value of the product but by its economic value. In a normal economy, a boom is followed by a bust. Currently the Pilbara Region is experiencing an economic boom and, producers are cautious about a possible economic bust. In order to protect themselves against such occurrences, production decisions are not b ased on income from mineral

Thursday, September 12, 2019

Job Analysis Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Job Analysis - Research Paper Example Quirin (1991) defines job analysis as a systematic approach for the collection of information regarding a job including roles, responsibilities and the skills required to perform those tasks. It is an important part of planning in human resource enabling the manager to determine job necessities, needed tools and skills, supervision of the employees and their interaction with the management. This paper focuses on all the elements of job analysis, based on the statement that job analysis is the backbone of an organization’s efforts to meet its vision, mission and objectives. Based on the contingency theory of organizational behavior, a job analysis of my immediate former position will be made in a bid to ensure that it is filled and operated satisfactorily. Organizational Behavior Theory Guiding this Job Analysis: Contingency Theory This is a radical shift from both the classical and neoclassical theories of organizational behavior in terms of its view on conflict at the workpla ce. While the two are focused on avoiding conflict since it interferes with equilibrium in the organization, contingency theory recognizes the fact that conflict is virtually inescapable, but manageable at the same time. Thus, organizations naturally evolve and adapt to meet their strategic needs through actions that are rational and sequential. Effectiveness is a key component in dealing with changes in the environment (Walonick, 1993; Chandler, 1962; Lawrence & Lorsch, 1969). This is the most applicable theory in job analysis since it provides for adaptability and variation in all aspects of a job, especially considering the fact that a job description should be able to accommodate uniqueness. Creating a job description that meets the specific objectives of the organization is preferable than copying what is already being used in other firms. Aspects to be analyzed for the Job Job analysis is aimed at collection of information about the job. To begin with information will be gathe red concerning the specific duties and tasks required by the job. A review of any possible physical requirements according to the environment of the job will then be done since the working conditions may not be accommodative to all people. The tools and equipment used will then be explored in detail, followed by establishing the inter-relationships of the position with superior, equal and junior staff. Finally, the requirements of the job from a prospective recruit will then be analyzed in terms of knowledge, skills and abilities (Branick and Edward, 2002). Job Description Several methods can be used to collect information for a job description including interviewing the incumbents and supervisors, observation, structured or open questionnaires and exploration of work logs among others (McNamara, 2010). A lot of these methods will not be applicable in this case since I am the incumbent. I will utilize the knowledge I have from my previous position to create a job description. Import antly, I will utilize Gibb’s Reflective Cycle that will enable me to reflect on my entire service for that position, coming up with an evaluation of the things I did well, where I went wrong and finally the best course of action I would undertake if I was to find myself in similar position (Jasper, 2003). The other method is to interview my former

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Office Gym Time Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Office Gym Time - Essay Example For the first group, Group A, a survey was sent to 20 random employees who had access to the office gym and also were offered an incentive of 30 minutes paid gym time by their office. For the second group, Group B, a survey was sent to 20 random employees, all of whom had access to the office gym but were not paid to do so by the company. Randomization was done through the use of a computer program to select random employee ID numbers. After the data was collected, it was graphed and analyzed. The first graph on the left compares the amount of office gym time that was used between the two groups. The top box plot shows Group A’s use of the gym, while the bottom box plot shows Group B’s use of the gym. As can be seen from the box plot, Group A spent considerably more time in the gym, and this was most likely due to the paid incentive. However, this graph alone is not enough to determine the program’s success. For further analysis, the box plot on the right shows employee satisfaction between the two groups. As can be seen from the box plot, it appears that Group A has slightly higher employee satisfaction. Further analysis was conducted by calculating the summary statistics. The table shows the calculated summary statistics for gym time for each group. From the summary statistics calculated in this table, we can conclude that Group As gym time was higher than Group Bs. This was most likely due to the paid incentive for Group A. However, a link needs to be made to prove the benefits involved. To show this link, the employee satisfaction summary statistics show the differences in employee satisfaction between the two groups. As can be seen by the summary statistics, the mean and median for Group A are both considerably higher. As such, it is statistically confirmed that Group As the level of satisfaction is higher than that of Group Bs.

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Human Resource Management in China Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3250 words

Human Resource Management in China - Essay Example In past building, money and the products were considered as the vital assets, but today Human resource is right up with the other monetary and liquid assets and in successful organizations it is considered as the most important strategic asset of the organization. Human Resource management has a great role in changing the business ideologies and modern rationales up to this point (Bhatia & Dey, 2005). This changed labeled the Human Resource department as the advocates of the employees, rather then the advocates of the employers as in the past. The modern world has admitted that Human Resource department is an important strategic department and has a key role in organization as it deals in managing the most vital asset of the organization, the Human workforce. Previously this department was considered as a wasteful and completely unnecessary expense center where as now it is considered as the strategic partner with other departments in achieving the organizational goals. Human Resource managers manage organizational activities through different practices. These practices are not a constant in all the organizations. Not all the managers all over the world use the same Human resource management methods (Daft, 2001). It is because they operate in different organizations that are placed in different countries and cultures. Therefore the responsibilities of the Human resource managers play a vital role for the organization as a whole. For example consider an Organization that is placed globally. Then the job of the Human Resource manager is to find out about the labor force of the country, their diversity, age trends, skills and culture. Where as other factors should also be considered such as the economical conditions, government regulations, infrastructure, laws and culture of that country. Managers must also screen the external environment before entering the market. If these factors are handled lightly before setting up a business in the country, organization may end up in loosing vast amount of money and resources. That is why HR managers should consider all the aspects very carefully as the availability of the required labor force and its nature of motivation may also depend upon these factors (Globalization & Environment, 2009). Other than that a company has to answer the questions, which must involve all the departments of the organization. These questions may include why they want to go to that country, who will be the workers, what will be the structure, from where will the finances come and what are the legal requirements to consider. These questions bring all the departments like Finance, legal and Human Resource department into play. As a HR manager ones job is to find out about the labor force availability and the legal issues dealing in the labor and the human resource laws of the country. Both the areas are the most important areas for the organization, as it enters a new country. As workers are the one who are responsible for running the business, where as legal laws keeps a check on companies activities and management in the treatment of the that workforce. The final decision maker must seriously consider the report submitted by the HR manager if the business is to be successful (Heller, 2007). PEST Analysis of

Monday, September 9, 2019

Issues for Women (or Minorities) in Leadership Research Paper

Issues for Women (or Minorities) in Leadership - Research Paper Example However, leadership is never an easy task. It takes great amount of skills and abilities to become a successful leader. Although there is no clear and definite description of a successful leader, there are some qualities which are required in a person for him/her to be a good leader. First of all, a leader needs to have a vision in his mind and should be able not only follow it, but also share it with his team members. Besides this, the leader needs to practice integrity, be dedicated towards the organization or the task, have creativity and be open to criticism and new ideas. Lastly, the leader also needs to be humble and fair towards others (Hakala, 2008). When it comes to being in the role of a leader, women are much different than men. Not only do men and women differ in their leadership styles, there is also considerable difference in their vision, approach towards problems and thinking patterns. However, being different does not mean that women are incapable of being successful leaders. There are several examples of women leaders who have been praised a lot for their leadership skills. But, on a mass scale, men still dominate in the capacity of leadership. This is because of a number of issues women face in leadership. Firstly, women in the social and cultural structure are seen to be less dominating than men. This is seen by the predefined notions and the practices which maintain a system of power in the society. This social structure has the tendency to shape decisions, interactions and social relations. As a result, researches have revealed that men and women draw out different responses from the people around them. The difference is primarily due to the above stated cultural and social factors. Hence, women leaders stimulate different reactions than male leaders because of preconceived expectations. This makes it very difficult for a

Sunday, September 8, 2019

Report on HR Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Report on HR - Essay Example Effective human resource management would encourage team playing and would enhance collective performance in the organisation along with accentuating the individual performances. In case of performance management, a sound human resources policy would allow individuals to grow along with the growth of the organisation. This would entail involvement of the people in the work that they are assigned and autonomy in the context of the work done. There are several aspects of human resources which have a positive impact on the employees and help them to perform better in the organisation. The HRM can assign challenging and mentally stimulating jobs to the employees so that the employees find diversity and interest in the work that they do. The human resources managers often take several indicators which show that the organisational performance is increasing. Thus they try to make improvement in these indicators to bring an improvement in the overall organisational performance. In case of Wa l-Mart for example, the performance of each of the retail outlets is estimated by the HR department of Wal-Mart by analysing the length of the queues in the billing counters, the level of stocks that lie on the shelves and the stocks that are remaining at the end of the day. These are the key indicators that provide the HR department an idea about the areas where the performance can be improved to generate greater profits. (Harter, Schmitdt and Hayes, 2002, pp. 268-279). The managers in Wal-Mart act as the immediate superiors of the lowest level and junior level employees. Therefore it is important for the managers to encourage the employees to perform better in the daily activities of the retail store. The employees on the other hand should have respect for the managers and should be motivated by them for the achievement of any target that they need to meet. The human resource policies of Wal-Mart are progressive in nature in the sense that the implementation of the HR policies sho uld be done with efficiency and the goals that the line managers set for the employees have to be in accordance with the organisational policies. Thus it is essential for the managers to have leadership skills which would drive a positive energy in the entire organisation culture. Mutual respect should flow bilaterally for the line managers and the junior employees. The relations of the employees with the organisation and its various elements are some of the major benchmarks of the organisational effectiveness. The Human Resource Departments of the organisations generally engage the employee into participation programmes

Saturday, September 7, 2019

Basics of finance and investment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Basics of finance and investment - Essay Example Bad news is always remembered more because it is human nature that people’s miseries create a stronger impact in our minds. But it should also be remembered that if there is a Leeson, there is also a Warren Buffet. Money was lost on internet stocks, but just before that, money was also made on the same internet stocks. And Bernard Madoff was one of a kind, who took advantage of people’s confidence to him as a SEC consultant. There was nobody before or after him who operated at the level he did, because the there is usually in place an effective regulation of the market and most such operators are caught early on (Arnold, 2004). If there are no extreme developments such as market crashes and financial crises, investing for value long-term has always been sound strategy for enhancing wealth. There are several vehicles for investment: the savings account, the money market, certificates of deposit and common stocks are some of them. Each of these instruments is associated with a particular level of rate of return. The rate of return is the percentage gain an investment makes – in short, how much yearly earnings are expected as a proportion of the capital invested. The rates of return fluctuate, but they maintain a more or less consistent relationship with those of the others. For instance, the savings account in a bank would normally have the lowest rate of return which is denoted by its interest rate. The money market placement has a slightly higher interest rate, followed by certificates of deposit, and then the stock investment. The average rates of return for each of these instruments is shown in th e second row of Table 1 (source: UK National Statistics Online). The rate of return plays an important part in the concept of compounding. In compounding, the returns that have been accumulated for one year becomes part of the

The Chinese Miracle Essay Example for Free

The Chinese Miracle Essay Many developing countries have sought rapid and sustained economic growth, but few have encountered China’s success. What are the key explanatory factors accounting for the so-called â€Å"Chinese miracle† of the past three decades? Introduction The landscape and the economy of China has extremely changed and developed for thirty years. The â€Å"Chinese miracle† as we called is a really interesting topic such no one country had known a lightning economic ascent as China. Several factors explain that rise to power but I think it is better to talk about almost entirely a few of them instead of name ten factors and develop them during only some sentences. That’s why I have chosen to develop three elements for this essay which are, in my opinion, the main key factors explaining the potential ascension of the Chinese economy of the past three decades. Of course, for this subject, we have to talk about the Reform and Opening up of 1978 without which China would not be the second world economic power nowadays. Given that it is an essay of a few pages, I will develop a few aspects and not all the elements of this economic reforms’ program. China’s Reform and Opening up In 1978, thanks to Deng Xiaoping who led the Communist Party of China, China knew the world’s biggest economic reform of the nineteenth century. This reform is the most important key factor which can explain the so-called â€Å"Chinese Miracle†. It provides the country an open-minded economy on the world. The reform and opening up took place in two steps. Firstly, in the first ten years from 1978, the reform involved stopping collectivize of agriculture and doing the opposite, the opening up for the foreign investments and to allow businessmen to start up business. Secondly, from the end of 1980s, it entailed privatization of companies and contracting out of a lot state-owned industry. Although state monopolies in sectors such as banking and petroleum remained, the economic reform brought lifting of price controls, protectionist policies and regulations. Thanks to this economic reform which is the largest, foreigners and also overseas Chinese began to invest in China. During the past 30 years, the investment range of overseas Chinese has developed from labor-intensive to capital or technology-intensive industries and has expanded from the hometowns of overseas Chinese to western China via the coastal areas, the inland and central, eventually leading to the all-round opening-up of China. Overseas Chinese businessmen and their enterprises have made a huge contribution to the expansion of Made in China products all over the world. At present, investing in China has become a trend for overseas Chinese. Although statistics are not complete, overseas Chinese and compatriots from Hong Kong and Macao who have found enterprises represent about 70% of the total of overseas-funded enterprises in China. In the past thirty years, they have donated billions of yuan to Chinese public services, to set up thousands of middle and primary schools. They also donated vehicles, medical equipment, motorcycles, nylon cloth, fertilizers, chemical fibers, refrigerators and agricultural machines. The return of many overseas Chinese directly changed the daily lives of ordinary Chinese people at that time by means of televisions, washing machines, sewing machines and radios which were scarce items. When we notice all the capital, the investments and donations which have been brought for three decades by the overseas Chinese and the foreigners, we can say that without the Reform and Opening up which gather a lot of economic reforms, the economy and quality of the life in China would not be what it is now. Population, production costs and way of life in China According to me, ones of the most important factors which can explain the surprising and rapid growth of China are the population in China, the cost of living and the way of life of Chinese people. Although some of countries in Europe enjoyed a fast growth decades ago, no one benefited from a growth with two numerals during several years like China. One of the reasons is the population in China which exceed 1. 300. 000. 000 persons, which means that more than one person out of five on the Earth is Chinese. With the biggest population of the world, it is not surprising that China is one of the biggest economic world-power because the country disposes of a huge workforce. Although having a big population for a country bring it to be a big economic power in the world like the United States, France and Russia, it is not enough for a country to establish itself as the first worldwide producer in a lot of different sectors. Indeed, China can base its economy on its population but especially on its cost of living therefore on the production costs. The cost of living is the biggest known reason of the economic success of China since we had known the globalization because all the production costs for the companies are cheaper than in Europe and the United States. Since our world economy entered in the globalization, almost of the companies from the secondary sector (in contrast with the primary and the tertiary sector) had begun to produce their goods or some pieces of their goods in China. Worldwide companies except non-profit-making organizations and a few ones have as goal to make profits. So, since China has opened its borders to foreign countries to doing business with them three decades ago, multinational but also small and medium-sized firms took advantage of this great opportunity to outsource their factory in order to reduce their production costs substantially and so to make more profits. However, it’s also the way of life, the culture of the Chinese people which contribute to make this kind of large-scaled producing system possible. Chinese people have a different consideration about their job, their work more and they have less leisure time than European people. They work hard, they usually finish their workday at 8 pm and they have fewer days off than in Europe or the United States. They consider the job as emancipating, an opportunity to socially go up. Of course, it is the case for the graduated Chinese who went at school and university and not for the Chinese who work in the toys or textile factories for example. It is easy for Chinese companies or foreign companies like Foxconn to find workforce like this second part of workers whose agree to work more than ten hours per day in hard working conditions without a good salary because they don’t have work in their village and also in order to bring back money at home to pay the school of their children. In my opinion, these three factors mixed together come to one of the most important reason that China imposes itself as regards world economic power. For a few years, China is the factory of the world. Billions of goods come from the factories of China and most of the biggest factories in the world are located there. Nowadays, the result is so that the Chinese industry carries weight in the world economy. China is the first producer of the toys sector, the shoes sector, the textile sector, the household electrical goods and many more thanks to its huge workforce. The monetary policy of China The second key explanatory factor is the monetary policy of the Chinese government. If China was able to establish itself as nowadays the second economic world-power, it is mostly thanks to its substantial exportations. In fact, we can easily understand that the rate of exchange of the Chinese currency, the Yuan or RenMinBi, play an important part to promote or not the exportations of the country. That’s why for several years, the Chinese government has chosen to devaluate its currency in order to boost its exportations which make for China to maintain a strong rhythm of growth. When we look at the recent history of the RenMinBi, we notice that since 21th July 2005, a nearly-fixed parity vis-a-vis the U. S. Dollar was organized. However, starting from that date the authorities decided to index the Yuan to a basket of currencies and a devaluation of 2% of the Yuan was also decided in parallel vis-a-vis the U. S. Dollar. Facing the American pressure, Beijing agreed to revalue the Yuan little by little until it will be again index to the dollar by a fixed parity in 2008. Since 2008, the Yuan has not evolved weighty in the exchange rate market. For three-four years, we see arguments from Europe and the United States about the Yuan’s exchange rate. According to them, Beijing often maintains its currency to a low artificially level. However, not long ago, even if China wants to keep the control of its currency and not to be dictated by Europe, United States or the IMF about the exchange rate of the Yuan, that one was revalued by its government. So, we can notice that the low rate of the Yuan has greatly favored the Chinese companies compared to European and American firms for many years. Today, the Yuan’s rate has already begun to increase in relation to five years ago. Some experts say that the Yuan is undervalued by more than 20%. But even if the Chinese economy is based on the exportations for three decades, the re-value of the RenMinBi will give again some purchasing power for the households, restart the consumption and will bring China to be less dependent on its overseas trade. Conclusion In conclusion, we can notice that the â€Å"Chinese miracle† has been possible for the most part thanks to the Reform and Opening up in 1978. However, this single reform program doesn’t suffice to explain the fast economic growth of China. Factors as the production costs, the huge population of the country, the culture of the work and the devaluation of the Yuan are key factors which have led China to be the second, and first soon, economic world-power. For three decades by means of these mixed factors, China has greatly improved the state of its economy, the quality of the life of its population, its infrastructure, its education system, etc. Moreover, thanks to the Reform and Opening up in 1978, Chinese people became more open-minded of others cultures. They could meet foreigners and started doing business with them. We can also notice that China is indebted to overseas Chinese who has brought a lot for their country with their bountiful donations. However, although the life’s quality of the Chinese people is better than thirty years ago, we don’t have to forget that in China the Gini coefficient is the highest and so the contribution inequalities are the biggest. One of the next challenges of the Chinese government is to watch out for what more Chinese can take advantage of the good health of the economy. Bibliography Websites : * http://www. china. org. cn/china/reform-opening-up/2008-12/19/content_16978369_2. htm * http://www. china. org. cn/china/reform-opening-up/2008-10/15/content_16645211. htm * http://www. china. org. cn/china/reform-opening-up/2008-12/10/content_16926213. htm * http://www. china. org. cn/international/2008-06/20/content_15859984. htm * http://www.china. org. cn/china/reform-opening-up/2008-11/25/content_16822741. htm * http://www. bbc. co. uk/news/world-asia-china-20069627 * http://www. nytimes. com/2012/11/09/opinion/china-should-reform-and-open-up. html * http://www. lefigaro. fr/tauxetdevises/2010/04/10/04004-20100410ARTFIG00642-la-chine-et-les-etats-unis-debattent-du-yuan-. php * http://www. lefigaro. fr/tauxetdevises/2010/09/29/04004-20100929ARTFIG00722-yuan-les-deputes-americains-veulent-sanctionner-la-chine. php * http://www. lefigaro. fr/tauxetdevises/2010/03/30/04004-20100330ARTFIG00772-pekin-se-prepare-a-reevaluer-sa-monnaie-. php * http://www. lefigaro. fr/tauxetdevises/2010/05/19/04004-20100519ARTFIG00599-baisse-de-l-euro-pekin-hesite-a-reevaluer-le-yuan. php * http://www. thedailybeast. com/newsweek/2012/07/08/the-end-of-china-s-economic-miracle. html * http://www. guardian. co. uk/world/2004/nov/08/china. jamesmeek Videos: * http://www. china. org. cn/video/2008-11/27/content_16838090. htm * http://www. youtube. com/watch? v=SSuUM3Abe00.